Why Student Have Difficulty With Reading Comprehension

The U.s.a. is facing a literacy crisis. According to ProLiteracy, more than than 36 1000000 adults in the United States cannot read, write, or do bones math above a third form level. The One Earth Literacy Foundation has establish that ii thirds of students who cannot read proficiently past the end of fourth grade will cease up in jail or on welfare. As educators, we are on the frontlines of guiding the side by side generation to exist literate, informed, active citizens.

We know there are many students who struggle with oral reading, reading comprehension, and fluency. But how can we understand the departure between adifficulty vs.disability, and what tin exist washed to assistance students who struggle in these unlike means? Here's an in-depth look at the differences and what each entails.

Literacy difficulty vs. disability

While some students may take difficulties with reading, that doesn't necessarily mean they have a diagnosable disability. A student may demand extra assistance, remediation, or more time to learn reading skills. But it's conceivable that, with proper support, the student volition be able to take hold of up and eventually achieve mastery.

Some students, however, are formally diagnosed with a learning inability. "These students can receive special education nether a federal law called the Individuals with Disabilities Pedagogy Act (IDEA). To outline the educational goals and services that the educatee needs to be successful, an Individualized Didactics Program (IEP) is developed," according to Reading Rockets, a national, multimedia literacy initiative. "For students with a learning disability who struggle with reading, reading-related services tin exist included in the educatee's IEP goals." For some disabilities, there is no "cure" and a educatee must continuously work with support services throughout the duration of their educational activity.

According to Patricia W. Newhall, former Associate Managing director of Landmark School Outreach Program and learning disability expert, "a diagnosis of a specific learning disability means the student'due south difficulties are non the result of:

  • ecology, cultural, or economic disadvantage
  • difficulty acquiring English as a 2nd language
  • a motor disability
  • a visual or hearing vigil problem
  • impaired cerebral function (though severe forms of LBLD can touch on performance on assessments of cognitive part)"

Literacy experts divide reading disabilities into three categories: phonological arrears (speech sounds), processing speed/orthographic processing deficit (letter and discussion recognition), and comprehension deficit (understanding what is read).

Understanding dyslexia

"Dyslexia is very common, affecting 20% of the population and representing 80– 90% of all those with learning disabilities," according to Yale Professor Sally Shaywitz in her book Overcoming Dyslexia. "Scientific inquiry shows differences in brain connectivity between dyslexic and typical reading children, providing a neurological basis for why reading fluently is a struggle for those with dyslexia." (This is what reading is like if y'all have dyslexia.)

Dyslexic readers accept problem matching the letters in a text with the sounds those messages make. "Dyslexic children and adults struggle to read fluently, spell words correctly, and acquire a second language, among other challenges," Shaywitz says. Dyslexia impairs reading skills like decoding, fluency, and comprehension because a dyslexic student spends then much energy trying to go through the letters and sounds.

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"Students with weak orthographic processing rely very heavily on sounding out mutual words that should exist in retentiveness, leading to a choppy and laborious style of decoding," according to the The Dyslexia-SPELD Foundation. "These students are also more than probable to have difficulty applying knowledge of root words in order to decode a variation of a word and confuse simple words like 'on' and 'to' when reading.

Dyslexia is not connected to intelligence, and it has no cure. But in that location are many successful people who have dyslexia and learned to cope with it past utilizing dissimilar reading and memorization strategies and focusing on their strengths. For more than on this, cheque out: Jamie Oliver is right: people with dyslexia really do look at things differently.

Specific comprehension arrears or hyperlexia

There is argue well-nigh whether hyperlexia is a disability or a superability. Just the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA), describes hyperlexia as a developmental disorder in which immature readers possess skills of advanced word recognition and advanced reading comprehension skills, but may have trouble understanding speech. Many people with hyperlexia are on the Autism spectrum.

The Center for Voice communication and Language Disorders in Chicago notes that children with hyperlexia read far higher up what would be expected at their historic period, just have significant difficulty understanding and using verbal language. "Identification of hyperlexia is nigh important when children are young because early on intervention increases children's chances for success, and since reading is a powerful tool for learning language and social skills," according to the CSLD. "Once a child begins to understand verbal linguistic communication, written language tin exist gradually decreased and used only in sure situations when something new or confusing is introduced. Although symptoms tend to decrease over time, the feature learning style remains through adulthood."


The National Center for Learning Disabilities defines dysgraphia every bit "a learning disability that affects writing abilities. This tin can manifest itself equally difficulties with spelling, poor handwriting, and trouble putting thoughts on paper."

While dysgraphia and dyslexia are separate issues, they can overlap, creating intense reading and writing struggles in the classroom. Difficulty with writing affects fine motor control, visual processing, and planning and organization, and can mostly impact a educatee's self-efficacy and emotions in the classroom due to frustration and stress.

Literacy difficulty

Students without a disability who but struggle to learn to read do good from vocabulary-building, reading out loud, a teacher modeling fluent reading, the learning of literacy strategies, and reading practice. But one of the most impactful ways to inspire students is to help them develop a passion for reading.

Carrie Kondor, Associate Professor and Reading Endorsement Chair, says, "1 common challenge for struggling readers is appointment. We naturally tend to non desire to appoint in something we don't feel good at. Helping struggling readers learn to enjoy reading is critical, nonetheless oft takes a backseat to explicit skill instruction. Teachers should spend instructional time sharing their own reading habits, helping students set reading goals and larn how to select texts that interest them.  Finding high interest books for readers who struggle tin be challenging. Some resources for high interest-low level books include graphic novels and serial books."

Additional resource

  • Reading Disabilities, Learning Disabilities, and Reading Difficulties
  • 3 Dandy Projects to Get Kids Excited Almost Summer Reading
  • Effective Strategies to Motivate Reluctant Readers
  • What is Intellectual Disability?

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Tags: Boyish Literacy, Literacy, Reading Interventionist


Source: https://resilienteducator.com/classroom-resources/reading-comprehension-disabilities/

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